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Virginia Mail Forwarding

With our Virginia mail forwarding service, you get instant access to your business mail from anywhere. Here’s how it works: Your mail gets delivered to our Virginia business address, where we open, scan, and upload your documents to your secure online account.

Why might you want Virginia mail forwarding?

  • Convenience. You never have to worry about missing time-sensitive material while you’re on the road since it’s all scanned and uploaded to your online account
  • Professionalism. You get a unique suite number at our professional address to list on your website or business cards
  • Privacy. You can use our business address instead of yours, and you can make it your mailing address, too

It’s not just about your mail being accessible anywhere—it’s about controlling your business image and protecting your personal privacy.

Virginia Mail Forwarding Services

All of our mail forwarding services give you a unique suite number and additional business mail scans. As your registered agent, we already include free use of our Virginia business address and 3 FREE mail scans of your regular mail. And we offer the options below to support your growing mail forwarding, address, and phone service needs:

Package ($49/yr)
Package ($99/yr)
Office ($19/mon)
Business Address
Mail Scans Included +10 +25 Unlimited
Secure Online Account
Same-Day Mail Scans
Unique Suite Number
Virginia Office Lease    
Conference Room Access     Option to Rent
Virginia Phone Service 90 days free 90 days free
* As your registered agent, we already include 3 FREE scans of regular business mail per year.

For those who want it all, we put together a comprehensive Virginia Virtual Office. For $19/month, you get unlimited mail scans, a private Virginia phone line that you can use for business, and even a real month-to-month Virginia office lease along with the option to rent conference room space. These are all crucial tools to help you shape your Virginia business presence, especially if you do not work at a traditional commercial address.

How Virginia Mail Forwarding Works

Sign up for registered agent service or order business formation. You’ll get immediate use of our business address on public filings, a unique suite number, and additional business mail scans.

Our expert mail processes receive your mail, separate the junk from your business mail, and then scan and upload your documents to your client account. On your end, you’ll get a notification that you have a new item to view. Your junk mail? Shredded. Your data? Never sold.

Why Choose Us?

Our registered agent service comes at an unbeatable price of $49 per year. That alone helps you fulfill a Virginia state requirement affordably, and we throw in free use of our business address to keep your address off public filings. And since we already handle your registered agent mail with same-day scanning, we figured it make sense for us as a local registered agent service to provide you more expansive mail forwarding options.

That’s the key: we’re truly local, truly affordable, and truly invested in finding new ways to support your business. So when you get mail forwarding for us, our packages all complement the core and additional business services we offer. You can just hire us for registered agent service, but as your needs grow, we provide you a convenient, one-stop shop to develop your Virginia business presence fully.